Wondering if it is possible to actually merge high tech with an Yeshiva system?
Going to be asking a few people about that soon...hoping there is an answer to it besides the fact that computers are evil.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Thursday, February 8, 2007
So tired
Baby is making me tired but will try and type through it.
So back to work, and its going ok. I know I keep touching...okay more like ranting on the issue of behavior and what a school needs to do about it but its something which bothers me more and more. I have 6 kids spread out among 3 classes that in total have more than 30 students who cause such a severe disruption that they need to be dealt with. If they would actually be punished instead of just being talked to every day they do something wrong SOMETHING might actually be done about these children and the test of the students could learn in a condusive enviroment. Where do we draw the line about behavior? I don't care if its English or Hebew subjects there is right and wrong. By not doing something to these students you just tell them its okay to keep on doing it.
That's my big issue. By not punishing them severely they keep on acting the same way because they see they can get away with it.
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
10:57 AM
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Has this ever happened to you?
Ever been followed home by students?
Well that is what happened to me tonight.
Work was okay, the 7th grade is beginning to show serious discipline issues throughout the day. Two 8th graders thought it'd be funny to attempt to follow me home. As it is parents were called, Menahel informed, and we'll see what happens tomorrow.
Have to hand in teacher evals of the students in tomorrow and then onward to vacation...going to look forward to that a little.
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
11:57 PM
Trying to figure out
An inventive way of actually working on how to develop a proper classroom behavior in the boys I teach when apparently they do not have their own self control.
I am curious as to how these children grow up like this or even how the school is not doing its bit to push for these boys to actually have to see consequences to their actions.
Ok, so maybe not so curious. I just wish I knew the key that fit the lock in being able to have Yeshivas actually do something about behaviors, special needs, and importance of english studies.
More importantly, I just want to know why my students will get out of their chairs and start hitting one another just because they feel like it.
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
2:39 AM
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The baby is making me extremely busy, however, I went to work today even though I cannot come in the rest of the week. I sincerely wonder what goes on in the minds of the kids I teach. Such chutzpah from so many of them. I'm hoping that the Principal figures some way of dealing with the issues before I come back to work on Monday. Just thinking on how to actually try and reach those kids who feel they can act like this,
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
12:35 AM
Labels: statement of sadness
Monday, January 22, 2007
Hey readers don't go away!!!
Seriously, please don't leave.
Haven't posted because just had a baby :). Everyone is healthy, it'll just take me a few days to get back into everything and that includes blogging.
Thanks for being patient
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
While I had looked online for when the ELA was going to be, they did say it was coming this week. However since my Principals told me that they were giving it next week.
Now for those who don't routinely know what goes on in an Yeshiva, this does happen. The school does sometimes give tests late, gets permission, etc. So when I came in I got a shock. So the entire day was changed and me and the Science teacher split the day between the 7th and 8th Grades.
I am still, in my years of teaching, still in shock about the behavior of some students. Contrary to other ideas, there does come a time that you cannot control a child. Case in point
7th Grade: Decides to take a newpaper for middle school students that the school gets, rolls it up, puts it in his mouth, and goes around the room acting like 'Lucky the Dog'. His partner in crime who is using a tie to attack other students were thrown out and are going to be severely diciplined.
6th Grade: What do you do when you try to make fun of a teacher and not do your work? Condemned in front of the class, held late, and the card game you were playing in the middle of class confiscated.
Thank g-d I am reaching out to those boys who want to learn. Made me smile when the 7th grade began a discussion on the ramifications of France's double dealing with the US prior to the War of 1812 and that the 6th Grade were 'bad mouthing' their 5th grade teacher last year for her inability to teach them the proper English Grammar rules.
Days like this I remember why I want to continue to be a teacher, and why I wish to stay in the Yeshiva system. Though given the administration not sure how that'll last for next year.
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
9:12 PM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Last two days
6th Grade, it would seem, is actually having a difficult time with the English Grammar rules that I am trying to teach them. going slow and patient with them, I just wish the 5th Grade Teacher had taught them a bit better. Really her English Grammar Rules and explainations makes me quite ill. They were taught the bare minimum with writing and grammar. Thank G-d have worked through their writing issues but have to keep hammering at them with the grammar. Hopefully my hand out work sheet tomorrow will do the trick and we'll be able to do some history.
7th Grade has been having some bad behavior problems associated with two kids. Yesterday was a disturbance and wasn't able to complete all the work we had intended to do in the class. Today threw the two kids out and the Principal chewed them out. They were still cocky at the end of the day. Have to work out some more sheets for the War of 1812 that we will be beginning tomorrow.
8th Grade, the ELA prep is going ahead, we did a practice test and actually marking some of them tonight. Been working on evaluating essays, writing detailed essays, and compare and contrast to prep their skills for next weeks test. Kinda worried about some of them but I am very confident that the majority of them will do well. I just wish there was a way to address the 'Torah doesn't say that' issue. It makes me extremely sad that many of these boys have a twisted sense of what is right or wrong when it comes to the Torah. I am all for protecting impressionable young mind and ensuring their safety and for them wanting to stay away from bad influence. However an article concerning how the Puritans came to America just doesn't fall under that category.
New website: I have used it a lot and love making puzzles for my students with it, http://puzzlemaker.school.discovery.com/WordSearchSetupForm.html - its a word search generator. Just put in the words and click.
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
8:31 PM
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Baby I got back
So the Menahel spoke up about the lessons, not sure about me, but about what I am teaching.
The boys apparently had twisted his words, even though his words weren't supportive of what I was trying to teach the boys before hand. The boys used it as an excuse and it finally took 3 days for all of this insanity to be quashed. Thank G-d it has been and hopefully will have just another day to get them prepped.
Last Thursday was actually good, except for the fact that the Principal felt the tests were too hard and it wouldn't do if the kids began to fail the tests. Truth be told I don't have any issues at all with the tests, I know if they study they would do well, but you can't tell me last minute about changing my entire outlook on how to make my tests and give them. So I'll work on making the next one 'easier' I'm going to have to grade all those lovely tests from last Thursday and see how well they all do.
I'm hoping that tomorrow's work day just builds upon the more positive Thursday that me and the kids had last week.
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
2:00 PM
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
My day can be summerized with the following questions.
Why does anyone believe that using the Torah allow you to be insulting or give a lack of derech eretz to secular studies teachers?
How can an owner of a school willfully undermine a teacher's authority and seemingly put down what they are teaching in the classroom and permit that kind of behavior to continue?
I feel horrible for those 8th grade boys who are trying and wish to learn...detention was given today. I didn't let what they did bother me at all, they stayed late for detention because of their actions till they finally sat there, were quiet, and let me finish the lesson.
Just wondering, what can I do? I teach well, I make the lessons interesting, and I try and do one on one with my students, what else can I do?
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
10:49 PM
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
What else could go wrong
I am starting to believe that there is no stopping idiocy sometimes.
1) The Secretary has misplaced my ELA book that I am using for practice for my students
2) The Menahel, without asking me, had told the students due to a very innocent passage that mentioned the pros and cons for a mixed gender enviroment in the teaching system (which, for those of you familiar with the ELA, there are almost always one of those every year) warrented them to throw out all their packets.
I want these boys to do well on the ELA. I already have parents asking me to tutor for ELA, which I shall do, along with students who are requesting History help. It is sad that my in-class help towards these students is being threatened when my Principals both said that the page was fine and quite appropiate, especially in dealing with the ELAs.
Due to this obsenity, I had a very difficult time controlling the class. Many of them felt that they had 'won against me' of the sorts and behaved attrociously.
Makes me very sad.
7th and 6th Grades were quite normal, got the work done, everyone was happy. Moving quietly along. Just the 8th grade has me worried. Yearbook is still not going well, now the ELA, and now I wonder what next?
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
11:52 PM
The week begins rather nicely
Not sure what got into the drinks or food of my 7th Grade but they were not like they were last week. Saddens me, especially in light that most of them didn't do their HW. 'Didn't have enough time' is never an excuse. More on that further down this post. Did the final review of all materials for this coming Thursday's test. Now we begin to look at what Jefferson is really doing as President.
The 6th Grade was also missing some HW but not so bad, but bad for a weekend in my opinion. The work went well, some of them had difficulty doing the work but most were able to do everything quickly and efficently.
The 8th Grade...well the day wasn't totally their fault. The secretary messed up my copying order and the ELA pages were not done properly so couldn't do that with them. Began an intro to World War I. Did some of the ELA, English Booklets, and gave out assignments to those students who couldn't behave/watch their widening maws of audible noise.
I don't understand what some parents think. Your son doesn't want to do his HW now? He doesn't want to not play games? He wants to wait till 8:00 pm or longer to do his HW at night? When did this become a civilization ran by children? How is that that a child not yet out of elementary/JR High School can get away without doing their HW, showing it proudly to their parents, and then being able to go out and play. Well this is the concept that I need to drill into parent's heads this coming week. Tons of phone calls, assignments, etc to be handed out.
On top of that I am really feeling sorry for the JR High Principal and Elementary Principal. They are both being raked over by the Menahel. It is sad, what is the point of hiring people to do jobs when you constantly nitpick them through the entire process? Now I see where a lot of this is coming from and how it is falling onto my shoulders sometimes and can't help but want to help them. So we'll see how that'll go when I go in and talk tot he Elementary Principal tomorrow about several other issues.
Found a new site for all to look at, called http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/. Awesome history site reference source.
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
12:52 AM
Labels: work and contemplation
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Just a quick question to the few readers I have
Should I be disappointed/concerned/some other emotion when I student calls me up on a Sunday night, almost at 8:00 pm to ask me if there was HW that is due for tomorrow? Especially when it was meant as an entire weekends worth of work?
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
7:56 PM
Friday, January 5, 2007
Yesterday was a good day for all.
The 7th Grade are just absorbing everything I am giving them in History. The questions and the thirst of wanting to know the minute details is actually a little overwhelming to myself however giving them as much information I can during class time, having to answer questions outside class or at home because some of the boys just need to know the answers.
6th Grade is shaky on their basic english skills as I look over their work. Been using a new book of mine to give them practice help so working heavily on that before I move on to more standardized writing. The Jewish History is still not being terrific for the boys or myself, need to do something new, have to talk to some people on Monday about that issue.
8th Grade accomplished their ELA and their History lessons, so was happy about that. Could be that the two biggest trouble makers were out 'helping' everyone else.
Becoming apprehensive about the ELA. I know my boys have the skills but hoping they can take the test without major problems. Next week we do lots and lots of practice testing.
Have told my Principal that I can do the yearbook, I've calmed down from being so angry with the administration, but I need respect and I need compensation for my time. Quite literally how much the yearbook from me compared to how much they paid last year is rediculous. I can give it to them for approximately 10% of what they spent last year. Let's hope for good news on that front.
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
10:56 AM
Labels: contemplation and work
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Lately I haven't been helpful
I really do realize that I haven't been at my 100% lately. The stress of work and a baby that is almost here has severely decreased my ability to take the BS from anyone. So what to do about it?
Well I think that surrendering to the fact that I just need to try my hardest without having to throw myself entirely, and with that make myself dead tired, into the classwork has actually helped. Today was actually very pleasent. The 7th Grade was absolutely divine! I really mean that. We got through the lesson so easily and we did so many interesting and fun questions and discussions that it even made my head spin. The 6th Grade was better, doing ok, we got the work done. The grammar we were doing was harder than it seemed so many of them were having difficulties. The 8th Grade was its usual but we got the lesson done with History, did that only today. Going to do ELA more tomorrow. Still got some time before it happens.
I know I am not 'restarting' creative writing any time soon because that really does exhaust me...but not sure about the yearbook. I do know that I cannot volunteer my time for free when it isn't in my job description. I need to know that I am being made a valued member of the school by doing this. I am not going to do something and not feel that I am being pushed aside and not cared for...plus my time does = money. Though I really do care about the kids...I am going to have to see about it.
Will be putting up links soon, so stay tuned. Want to share all my useful sites that I have for english and history subjects.
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
11:37 PM
Labels: contemplation and work
Yesterday was horrendous.
Had to argue with my Principal because he is being VERY behind on ensuring that I get the photocopies I need for my lessons. I am not happy about this damnable situation.
The 7th Grade were moderately behaved, we got through the lesson without any major problems.
6th Grade were horrendous. All talking all the time. It was horrible. Had to yell at them :(. It was very sad.
The 8th Grade wasn't too bad. Started ELA review yesterday and going to continue it all week.
The Menahel seems to be wanting every bit of paperwork, hw, etc to 'cross his desk' because he really did mess up before the school year started, not everything is going smoothly, so what is he doing? He is looking for things he can blame for the problems in the classes when it comes to behavior. I have no issue with admitting when I am wrong or if I am doing something wrong in the class but I cannot stand it when someone won't admit that they could of done better as well. So right now, to make my own life easier, I'm just going back to the 'basics' in the classroom and discontinuing some of my extra work I have done to make it more fun for the kids because I cannot do all the extra work + jump through his hoops.
So no more Yearbook or Creative Writing for now. I'll still be teaching the kids in my classes well, but if I do those two things there is no way I can also try and please my boss....if that is even possible.
Sorry for the very depressing/very downtrodden post
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
11:01 AM
Labels: Work and ranting
Monday, January 1, 2007
A new week
I so need to recover from today.
The 7th Grade was fine, we did an amazing lesson about the constitution and the 3 branches which we are continuing tomorrow. Gave them a huge amount of
HW though he he. We'll see how that goes tomorrow.
6th Grade was a bit shaky because the usual two were at it again. *sigh*. But got through the lessons that I had planned.
The 8th Grade was just horrible. Only have 5 kids wanting to learn to taught to them. The Menahel came in at the end of the day and was wondering why a kid had been being picked upon and that why isn't there more homework and that discipline needs to be enforced.
Okay, for those of you who are not in a classroom, the teacher is not in charge of administration issues. I have tried to deal with these kids inside the classroom with absolutely no success. Despite what people may believe a teacher cannot control a child if they do not wish to learn or know how to behave during a lesson. Especially when I only have them for one hour. It is an administration issue. The Menahel needs to pull them out, yell, scream, have parents come down, suspend, or even finally throw out a couple of them because they have been major issues since almost the beginning of the year. I truly dont see how, if most of the teachers are complaining about certain children, that they are not doing well with their work, that nothing is happening with them.
Of course the school has been having a lot of issues because the Menahel couldn't get himself or the school organized back in June but suddenly tried to get things working one week before school opened.
I'm just really annoyed with today and will be even more annoyed for later because tomorrow have to deal with the same thing with the Menahel since I just know he's going to try and follow up.
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
10:21 PM
Labels: Work and ranting