My day can be summerized with the following questions.
Why does anyone believe that using the Torah allow you to be insulting or give a lack of derech eretz to secular studies teachers?
How can an owner of a school willfully undermine a teacher's authority and seemingly put down what they are teaching in the classroom and permit that kind of behavior to continue?
I feel horrible for those 8th grade boys who are trying and wish to learn...detention was given today. I didn't let what they did bother me at all, they stayed late for detention because of their actions till they finally sat there, were quiet, and let me finish the lesson.
Just wondering, what can I do? I teach well, I make the lessons interesting, and I try and do one on one with my students, what else can I do?
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
10:49 PM
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
What else could go wrong
I am starting to believe that there is no stopping idiocy sometimes.
1) The Secretary has misplaced my ELA book that I am using for practice for my students
2) The Menahel, without asking me, had told the students due to a very innocent passage that mentioned the pros and cons for a mixed gender enviroment in the teaching system (which, for those of you familiar with the ELA, there are almost always one of those every year) warrented them to throw out all their packets.
I want these boys to do well on the ELA. I already have parents asking me to tutor for ELA, which I shall do, along with students who are requesting History help. It is sad that my in-class help towards these students is being threatened when my Principals both said that the page was fine and quite appropiate, especially in dealing with the ELAs.
Due to this obsenity, I had a very difficult time controlling the class. Many of them felt that they had 'won against me' of the sorts and behaved attrociously.
Makes me very sad.
7th and 6th Grades were quite normal, got the work done, everyone was happy. Moving quietly along. Just the 8th grade has me worried. Yearbook is still not going well, now the ELA, and now I wonder what next?
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
11:52 PM
The week begins rather nicely
Not sure what got into the drinks or food of my 7th Grade but they were not like they were last week. Saddens me, especially in light that most of them didn't do their HW. 'Didn't have enough time' is never an excuse. More on that further down this post. Did the final review of all materials for this coming Thursday's test. Now we begin to look at what Jefferson is really doing as President.
The 6th Grade was also missing some HW but not so bad, but bad for a weekend in my opinion. The work went well, some of them had difficulty doing the work but most were able to do everything quickly and efficently.
The 8th Grade...well the day wasn't totally their fault. The secretary messed up my copying order and the ELA pages were not done properly so couldn't do that with them. Began an intro to World War I. Did some of the ELA, English Booklets, and gave out assignments to those students who couldn't behave/watch their widening maws of audible noise.
I don't understand what some parents think. Your son doesn't want to do his HW now? He doesn't want to not play games? He wants to wait till 8:00 pm or longer to do his HW at night? When did this become a civilization ran by children? How is that that a child not yet out of elementary/JR High School can get away without doing their HW, showing it proudly to their parents, and then being able to go out and play. Well this is the concept that I need to drill into parent's heads this coming week. Tons of phone calls, assignments, etc to be handed out.
On top of that I am really feeling sorry for the JR High Principal and Elementary Principal. They are both being raked over by the Menahel. It is sad, what is the point of hiring people to do jobs when you constantly nitpick them through the entire process? Now I see where a lot of this is coming from and how it is falling onto my shoulders sometimes and can't help but want to help them. So we'll see how that'll go when I go in and talk tot he Elementary Principal tomorrow about several other issues.
Found a new site for all to look at, called Awesome history site reference source.
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
12:52 AM
Labels: work and contemplation
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Just a quick question to the few readers I have
Should I be disappointed/concerned/some other emotion when I student calls me up on a Sunday night, almost at 8:00 pm to ask me if there was HW that is due for tomorrow? Especially when it was meant as an entire weekends worth of work?
Posted by
Thinking Outside the Box
7:56 PM